
Showing posts with the label Plperl

New in PostgreSQL 9.3: Server Side languages

In series of blogging about new features coming in PostgreSQL 9.3, I thought to blog about the server side language improvements in PostgreSQL. Lets see whats coming in server side language. As PostgreSQL user, you know, PostgreSQL supports multiple server side language. In 9.3, there are some interesting features are coming. Lets look at the new improvements about to come. 1. SPI access to number of rows processed by COPY command. This is more like new feature which is introduced in 9.3. Before 9.3, this feature was missing. i.e if user uses COPY command inside the plperl/plpython functions, then there was no way inside the procedure to trace the number of rows processed by COPY. However in 9.3, this limitation is no more exists with procedural language. There are many languages supported in PostgreSQL, However I chose to test this with mostly used language plperl and plpython. Below are some snapshot pre-9.3 and in 9.3. Lets check with plperl. Following is a plperl function w

Monitor CPU and MEMORY percentage used by each process in PostgreSQL/PPAS 9.1

PostgreSQL has pg_stat_activity view which can be use to get the session details. This view gives following information: 1. datid: database OID 2. datname: database name 3. procpid: process ID 4. usesysid: user OID 5. usename: user name 6. application_name: application name 7. client_addr: client's address 8. client_hostname: host name (if available) 9. client_port: Clients port number 10. backend_start: time at which the server process started 11. xact_start: time at which current transaction started 12: query_start: time at which current query began execution started 13: waiting: process's waiting status 14. current_query: text of the current query. Above is good for monitoring sessions in postgresql. However, suppose user wants to know about percentage of CPU & Memory used by a particular session/user, then he can get this information by using plperlu function. To Create the pleperlu function, user needs to have plperlu language installed in DB. For creating the p

Get Number of Segments in PostgreSQL 9.0 (PL/Perl)

In my Blog on get_number_of_segments, I had used the simple query to find the number of segments. Since, from PostgreSQL 9.0, system admin function pg_relation_filepath can be use to find the location of relfilenode, therefore I thought to reduce the code of get_number_function and use the pg_relation_filepath function. Following is a modified plperl function get_number_of_segments(text) using system admin function pg_relation_filepath(relation reglcass): CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_number_of_segments(text) returns table(tablename text, segments int) as $$ my $sql = spi_prepare("select 'ls -1 '||pg_relation_filepath(\$1)||'.*' as cmd",'TEXT'); my $q = spi_query_prepared($sql,$_[0]); my $rv = spi_fetchrow($q); my $cmd = $rv->{rows}[0]; my $command = $cmd -> {location}; open(CMD, "$command |"); $count = ; close(CMD); @count=split(/[\n\r]+/,$count); return_next

PL/Perl Functions for Getting number of segments and Executing the Shell Commands

I was going through the one of user posting over EnterpriseDB Forum, on which user has asked if there is any function exists in PostgreSQL/Postgres Plus Advanced Server, which can be use for Finding the number of segments of a table/relation on server. So, I thought to write about it. Currently, PostgreSQL/Postgres Plus Advanced Server doesn't come with any such function. However, if some one wants, he can write a plperl function which can find the number of segments of a table for him, as I have done in following sample code: Perl Program to get the number of segments of a table: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_number_of_segments(text,text) returns table(tablename text, segments int) as $$ my $sql = "select 'ls -1 '||case reltablespace when 0 then setting||'/base/'||pg_database.oid||'/'||relfilenode||'.*|grep -v vm|grep -v fsm|wc -l' else (select spclocation||'/'||pg_database.oid||'/'||relfilenode||'.*|grep -v