Directed Graph nodes traverse using WITH RECURSIVE Query of PG
This is a Question which I had seen people generally ask, when they Move their DBs to PG or PGPlus Advanced Server and Look for Workaround of Oracle Feature of Traverse of Directed Graph in PG. Oracle Provides CONNECT BY NOCYCLE for traversing a Directed Graph. As mentioned in Following link: However, CONNECT BY NOCYCLE implementation, some times miss some paths for Traversing Graph as you can see in following Example: create table directed_graph ( node_from char(1), node_to char(1) ); insert into directed_graph values ('A', 'C'); insert into directed_graph values ('A', 'B'); insert into directed_graph values ('B', 'E'); insert into directed_graph values ('C', 'H'); insert into directed_graph values ('H', 'I'); insert into directed_graph values ('I', 'D'); insert into directed_graph values ('D', 'F'); insert...