List user privileges in PostgreSQL/PPAS 9.1
PostgreSQL has some useful functions which can be use to know about the privilege of a user on a particular Database object. Those functions is available in following link: Functions has_*_privilege in PostgreSQL/PPAS is good to know about privilege a user has on one database objects and these function returns boolean value true or false. Since, DBAs/Users are interested in listing objects and privileges of a Database User and currently PostgreSQL doesn't have a view, which DBA can use to list users privileges on objects for a particular database. Therefore, I thought about making some functions, which can be used to list users privileges, based on what is available in PostgreSQL/PPAS 9.1. These are basic functions and can be expanded, as per need, to show more privileges like WITH GRANT OPTION. Following are functions which can use to get the privileges of a particular user: 1. Function for table privileges: C...