
Showing posts from September, 2011

Implement Curo (Omniti-labs) tools (PostgreSQL Admins) using psql

Depsez has Started a New project called Curo, which is currently made for Unix/Linux and is in initial phase. So, I thought to look at how it works and how normal user, who knows using psql, can benefit from it. Before Installing Curo, user has to make sure, he has postgreSQL client: psql and following package installed on his Linux/Unix System: 1. Bash 2. dialog If you have above required packages on your machine, then you can move for Curo installation. Curo Installation is very simple. Following are the steps which can be use to install Curo on Unix/Linux System: 1. Download the Curo from Following link: Above link will give you file similar to given below: omniti-labs-curo-48a4f31.tar.gz 2. Untar the file using following command: tar -xvf omniti-labs-curo-48a4f31.tar.gz 3. Copy omniti-labs-curo-48a4f31 to users home directory as given below: cp omniti-labs-curo-48a4f31 ~/.curo 4. Now configure .inputrc and .editrc file as given...