
Showing posts with the label PostgreSQL

Rebuilding Pkey and Indexes without locking table in PG 8.4.

On production System, some times DBAs have to rebuild the indices, since, Rebuilding indices lock the table therefore DBA can use Option CONCURRENTLY. For normal Indices CONCURRENTLY is a best option, however Primary Key Indices Rebuild require Lock on table. To overcome this issue, I have made following function: SWAP Index with Pkey: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION swap_for_pkey(text,text,text) returns integer AS $$ DECLARE cmd text; oid1 integer; oid2 integer; filenode1 integer; filenode2 integer; relation text; BEGIN select oid::integer into oid1 from pg_class where relname=$2 and relnamespace = (select oid from pg_namespace where nspname=$1); RAISE NOTICE 'PKEY OID: %',oid1; select relfilenode::integer into filenode1 from pg_class where oid=oid1; select oid::integer into oid2 from pg_class where relname=$3 and relnamespace = (select oid from pg_namespace where nspname=$1); RAISE NOTICE 'PKEY OID: %',oi