xDB Replication from Oracle to PPAS
EnterpriseDB Replication tool has been now modified and add new functionality in it. Previous Replication Console, which had been made, was using the DBA Management server and Publication & Subscriptions were dependent. Now, xDB Replication has been divided into two components: 1. Publication Server : (Master Server) 2. Subscription Server: (Slave Server) Some Background of Publication Server. Publication Server has following components: 1. JAVA Based Daemon. 2. MetaDatabase of Publication Server. Publication Server keeps its information (Information about the Primary Database, Tables Details etc.) in the MetaDatabase under schema _edb_replicator_pub Publication server is independent and has no dependency on Subscriptions Server. By default publication server uses the 9011 port. However, if user wants, [S]he can use different ports too. For running Publication Server on different port, use the following command: $EDBHOME/jre/bin/java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar $...
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