EnterpriseDB Replication tool has been now modified and add new functionality in it. Previous Replication Console, which had been made, was using the DBA Management server and Publication & Subscriptions were dependent. Now, xDB Replication has been divided into two components: 1. Publication Server : (Master Server) 2. Subscription Server: (Slave Server) Some Background of Publication Server. Publication Server has following components: 1. JAVA Based Daemon. 2. MetaDatabase of Publication Server. Publication Server keeps its information (Information about the Primary Database, Tables Details etc.) in the MetaDatabase under schema _edb_replicator_pub Publication server is independent and has no dependency on Subscriptions Server. By default publication server uses the 9011 port. However, if user wants, [S]he can use different ports too. For running Publication Server on different port, use the following command: $EDBHOME/jre/bin/java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar $...
I have seen question, like "How to make Database Link from PostgreSQL to Oracle?", always floats in PostgreSQL Community Forum. So, I thought to do some research on it and write a Blog. Cybertec (One of The PostgreSQL Database Company) has released a PostgreSQL Module ODBC Link, using which user can make Database link to any other database, including Oracle, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL etc, which have ODBC compliant Data source. Lets see how you can make ODBC Connection from PostgreSQL to any ODBC compliant data source and fetch data. Installation of this module is very simple. Following are the steps which user can follow: 1. Install the unixODBC driver on your linux machine. user can use following useful link for Downloading and Installing the unixODBC Driver: http://www.unixodbc.org/ 2. Download ODBC-Link from following location: http://www.cybertec.at/download/odbc_link/ODBC-Link-1.0.4.tar.gz 3. Untar the downloaded file as given below: tar -zxvf ODBC-Link-1.0.4....
This happened to me when I was trying to migrate the Oracle Database to Advanced Server & PostgreSQL. This kind of error comes if Data in Oracle have some junk/invisible Characters which conversion is unknown. select * from junk_character; 'ORA-29275: partial multibyte character' Oracle Descritption for this error is given below: ORA-29275: partial multibyte character Cause: The requested read operation could not complete because a partial multibyte character was found at the end of the input. Action: Ensure that the complete multibyte character is sent from the remote server and retry the operation. Or read the partial multibyte character as RAW. Which doesn't give much information. To find the the column and rows which have those junk/invisible character user can try following trick. a. Select the data column wise as given below: select col1 from tablename; select col2 from tablename; If you are sure about the columns which has those junk charac...
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